Termidor kills termites several ways.
Many termiticides are repellents, meaning they work by simply keeping termites away from treated areas. But Termidor is a non-repellent and effectively kills termites. And unlike any other termiticide, it's able to kill them in more than one way. Because termites can't smell, see, or feel Termidor, they freely move through treated areas, ingesting soil treated with Termidor and transferring it on their bodies. Both ingestion and contact of Termidor are lethal to termites, and this dual approach immediately sets Termidor apart from other termiticides. But Termidor goes a step further by enhancing the results with its unique "Transfer Effect™".
"Transfer Effect™" control the whole colony up to 6 times faster than a bait/monitoring system.
Thanks to the "Transfer Effect", termites don't need to contact Termidor directly to die from it. All they need to do is make contact with another termite that has already contacted or ingested Termidor. In fact, termites infected with
Termidor can spread the insecticide to every termite they contact. Because termites are social insects that live in large colonies and feed and groom each other, the "Transfer Effect" controls the entire colony in three months or less. Baits can take from many months to several years to control the colony. And unlike a bait system, Termidor gives you 100% protection from the termites initial contact. There's no waiting for the termites to be attracted to the
bait, while the building remains unprotected.
How the "Transfer Effect" works.
Once a termite has ingested or contacted Termidor-treated material with its body, it becomes a "carrier". Every termite it contacts will be infected... and will in turn infect every termite it contacts. Termidor works slowly, letting termite contact many others before dying themselves. Although the "Termidor Effect" on individual termites is
intentionally slow, the overall colony management is fast - significantly faster than bait systems.
Is it safe? Does it smell?
Termidor® termiticide/insecticide is applied at very low rates. Typically, the active ingredient (fipronil) is just 0.06% of the solution, a concentration much lower than that of older termiticides and less than most insecticides. Keep
in mind, too, that since 1995, fipronil has been used around the world for flea and tick control of cats and dogs and on agricultural crops to protect food supplies. And Termidor has virtually no odor, which means you and your family won't notice a thing
Used for the control of wood decay fungi, carpenter ants and drywood termites.Tim-bor® is an effective and economic product used primarily for the control and prevention of drywood termites, wood decay fungi and carpenter ants.Tim-bor® can be applied as a dust, liquid, foam or spray. Because fumigation for drywood termites leaves no residual protection, Tim-bor®, used in conjunction with fumigation, can establish long-term protection or can replace fumigation in many instances.
Heat Treatments
We only use licensed professionals for this treatment.The patented ThermaPureHeat® process is a technological and ecological breakthrough in treating both partial and entire structures for wood destroying insects and their eggs, and a wide variety of indoor air quality problems.In the same way heat works to eliminate pests, it works to reduce the presence of air pollutants such as asthma triggers, viruses, bacteria, dust mites, and it reduces odors.
USE HEAT FOR: Bedbugs, Wood-destroying insects, Indoor air quality, Structural Drying.* No chemicals, no odor, no harm to pets or plants.* Moist buildings materials can be "dried out".* Offensive odors can be reduced or eliminated.